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EU Digital Finance Platform

Guidelines for data users

User Manual - Request access to the datasets

The Data Hub is a key novelty to be added to the EU Digital Finance Platform in the second phase of the project. This new Data Hub gives participating firms access to synthetic supervisory data to test innovative solutions and train AI/ML models. 

If you do not have an account or want more information on the registration process, please visit the link here.  

Keep in mind that once access is granted you cannot share the datasets outside your organization.

Request access to datasets

Once your account is created, to gain access to datasets the following steps should be performed:

Log in with your credentials

You must first navigate in the Data Hub section here and: 

  1. Use your EU Login credentials to log in.
  2. Click on “Request access to datasets” button.

Fill in the required details

After selecting the “Request access to datasets” button, the create Data Hub Access Request form (see below image) will appear on your screen. 

In this form, the following fields must be filled: 

  1. Organization name (required): The name of the organization you are working for. 
  2. Organization URL (required): The URL of the organization you are working for. 
  3. Organization email (required): The email of the organization you are working for. 
  4. Sector 
  5. Which dataset are you interested in? 
  6. Define your use case (required): For what you want access to the datasets (e.g., research, application etc.). 
  7. Purpose of the requested data (required): Provide more details of why you need the datasets. 
  8. Connections with NCAs/ national sandboxes. 
  9. Save button: Once you have filled in all details, click on the Save button. 

Once you have completed this form and sent the request, the responsible team member for DG-FISMA will approve your access to requested datasets. 

View the datasets

Once the request is approved, you will be able to view the datasets requested & use them accordingly on Home > Data Hub > Synthetic datasets

Take Note: 

After gaining access to the dataset, there is an obligation of sharing your results/insights with us!!