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EU Digital Finance Platform

Guidelines for data providers

User manual - Upload datasets

The Data Hub is a key novelty to be added to the EU Digital Finance Platform in the second phase of the project. This new Data Hub gives participating firms access to synthetic supervisory data to test innovative solutions and train AI/ML models. 

If you do not have an account or want more information on the registration process, please visit the link here.  

Keep in mind that once access is granted you cannot share the datasets outside your organization. 

Once you have completed your registration, the responsible team member from DG-FISMA, must be informed via e-mail to approve and assign you the relevant NCA Role. 

View datasets 

After assigned the NCA role, to view the datasets you must: 

  1. Use your EU Login credentials to log in. 
  2. Select the “View datasets” section on Home > Data Hub

From there select the “Upload datasets” button. 

Upload a dataset. 

If you want to upload a dataset, press the “Upload datasets” button Home > Data Hub > Synthetic datasets and then the Data Hub Dataset form, as depicted in the below picture, will appear on your screen. 

Provide the following required details: 

  1. Dataset title: A title that best describes the nature of the dataset (e.g., Collaterals_1STQuarter_2022) 
  2. Contact email: The person who should be contacted when access to this dataset is requested. 
  3. Dataset language: The language of the dataset to be uploaded. 
  4. Select Sector 
  5. Select Country 
  6. Summary: A brief description about the content of data to be uploaded. 
  7. Description: A brief description of the dataset to be uploaded. This will help FinTech companies to know the data content. A suggested approach is to also include the dataset columns, their datatypes & a concise description. 
  8. After choosing the dataset file, click on “Upload” button. Note that the maximum size to be uploaded is 200 MB
  9. When the file is successfully uploaded, click on “Save” button. 

Edit and view the uploaded datasets.

Once you have uploaded your datasets, you can click on the dataset and view the details, edit or delete them.